Saturday, July 12, 2008

Technators?Never heard before...

Dear buddies,
You may heard of the terms such as 'technology', 'technical', 'high-tech' or even the people 'technologists'. I bet some of you out there who would be raising this question 'Technators?Is there such word exist?". To be true, you would not be able to spot the word 'technators' in any edition of oxford, cambridge or online dictionaries. When I was required to name this blog, I could almost feel the cracks of my skull as i was trying to figure out the best name for my blog. Finally, I took a deep breath and reflected on the purpose of creating this blog. Surely, it is meant to highlight on the importance of technology use among teachers and young learners in our country, Malaysia in order to create a well ICT-skilled nation. Hence,an idea for the blog's title surged into my mind.I named it as 'Technators!' after combining the initial and end letters of the words "Technological Nation Creators". That's what being creative right?Hope Technators! will power up you towards a digital education.


Jaswinder said...

hey rim...
ya...i agree about the teachnators things...can't find it anywhere except here..lolz...anyway, the way u choose ur title reflects to me like a mirror that you are a critical thinker...and when i say CRITICAL THINKER ...i really mean it...

Bhavarita said...

Technators?? hmmm..yea one second i was thinking what does it mean.. After reading your blog now i had a clear view what is all about. You have creatively combined both the word Tech from technology and nators from the phrase nation creator.Well done....rim..