Last week, the 3rd assignment of PKEY3101 came to the end. We handed in the SmartBoard activities that we had compiled and burned in a CD. I really felt happy that my group members and I succeed to complete them. Suddenly, my attention turned to the rubber fishes which were brought out from Prof Maznah’s bag. The squeaky sound made by the fishes had attracted many people to look. In a split second, Prof Maznah threw the fishes, one after another to us. Almost everyone was shock of her act. Then, Prof Maznah asked those who were holding fishes to throw at their friends. I saw the fishes were ‘flying’ everywhere around the classroom. The whole class was involved. I had a chance to grab one of the fishes. I quickly took it and threw it at my target, Aichoo. She was in fear as well as excited when I was about to throw at her. Without wasting time, I just threw and OH NO! The fish landed on Azliza’s head. Azliza was tremendously shock yet she was laughing about it. Then, the fish flung somewhere else. It was really fun! After that, Prof Maznah asked us to reflect on the purpose of asking the pupils to throw the fishes around. We agreed that this activity is good enough to be used in set induction of a lesson in order to grab pupils’ attention and also arouse their interest on the topic. In my point of view, this activity also awake pupils who are less energetic and low concentration to learn. Besides that, Prof Maznah told us that it is not necessary for teachers to prepare or spend much to attract pupils. I totally agree with Prof Maznah. There is no need we as teachers to struggle a lot in order to draw pupils’ attention. We could just utilize simple things in a fun way that brings excitement for children.